The sun.

Create and axis, name it "sun", place it 60 degrees up from the horizon at the edge of the guide sphere. Next, create four yellowish parallel lights of low intensity, around 20, 19, 16. Set them to cast shadows. Place them around the sun just a few degrees away. Aim one directly at the center, the others aligned parallel to the first. Group these to the sun, which in turn is grouped to the world center.

Sun's halo.

Make 4 to 6 slightly brighter, even colored point sources. Place these evenly within 15 to 20 degrees around the "sun" group. The total illumination of both the sun and the halo sources does not need to exceed 225. It may be desirable to make them somewhat less, so that any object with brightness turned all the way up will then appear to be a light. These may also br grouped to the sun.

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[email Ernie]